Monday, June 15, 2009

Aunt Jenna's Birthday

Been a fantastic night filled with loads of singing and dancing. *Tee hee hee* Free entertainment from the guest singing and dancing to the music. A slight preview of the place and fun *winks*

Happy Birthday Aunt Jenna!! *CHEERS* ~~ Enjoy the video clips!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life After University

Who says getting out of university would be the BEST things in LIFE?!!?? It’s just my perception that getting out of university things would be much more FUN then it was in University. I’ve always found my university life kinda DEAD.(P.s : The feeling of getting out of university is definitely exciting – this means that we’re all gonna fly free and be wild huh??!!??)Wakakaka…Oh well, those were the days in university and now I’d “PROUDLY” announced that I’ve jus so called “GRADUATED” and practically sitting at home resting while waiting to get myself my first DREAM JOB!! *Claps~~~*

Maybe I was still in dreamland thinking “How DIFFICULT can it be getting a job as a fresh graduate??!!??” Most of my university mates were already searching high and low for jobs and I’d say that some even managed to secure themselves a place even before we took our final semester examinations. *Shy Shy*

Believe it or NOT…a person like me with reasonable academic grades even found it tough securing a job. I applied 13jobs in Malaysia and to S’pore through JOBSTREET after my final exams and within a day or two *DOOORS SLAM* and my application got REJECTED without a chance for an INTERVIEW. OMGOshH…how DEMORALISING it can be when u see yourself denied of your DREAM JOB. Sometimes I just wonder was it because of GENDER DISCRIMINATION due to the kind of field that I studied??!!?? And now I shall consider myself semi-retired even before I could even land myself my first job. Gosh!! pathetic it can be to think that you’re contributing to the number of unemployed graduates out there.

Anyway..guess that’s life after university. My thoughts of how beautiful the WORLD would be when I graduate doesn’t seem like it’s that BEAUTIFUL after all. There were ups and downs along the way yet thankfully I manage to go through those though times with my love one supporting me. Regardless of how pathetic I was in landing my FIRST job – the moment I finished my exams –regardless of how badly I went through the exams I flew myself to LANGKAWI and spent almost a week there relaxing . Although at the beginning before I left for my trip I was pretty much concern about how I’d fare in my final papers. The pre-results weren’t out yet till the day I got back from LANGKAWI. THANK GOODNESS I made the trip there and PASS all my papers. It was one of the best RELAXING trip I’d ever had in Langkawi. STRESS FREE~~WEEee. After that trip-there were more trips to come the moment I found myself PASS all my final papers. All the thoughts of looking for a JOB has been put aside *WEEEEeeee*…

Took me almost a month before I managed to secure myself with a job. Anyway, I may not get my DREAM JOB as a FIELD ENGINEER in the Oil and Gas Industry thus I’m still very happy with the current job that I was offered. Guess I was not FATED to pursue my career in the Oil and Gas Industry at the moment…yet I won’t give up!! My dream would come true one day if I’m still hard headed to change my career path !!*winks* Sometimes it feels like it’s the calling that I am back once again to the very FIRST place I’ve yearn to be when I was young. You may not believe what I may write here yet you’re reading it handed down first by the author itself..hehe…Oh a child I have wanted to be an Electrical and Electronics Engineer in INTI College so that I can work in Motorola (ps: Now known as Freescale). All these places are coincidently the same place where I started out my further studies. Not know my fate – I ended up changing the *storyline* by taking up Mechanical Engineering in INTI College and then further pursue my Bachelors (Honours) in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). Thus, did my Industrial Training in Freescale. And finally now..I’ve pretty much ended much right next to FREESCALE also. Guess this is just fated somehow or may sound like some CRAP to you readers out there.

Anyway, right now after all my exams and holidaying I’ve much been relaxing at my home. I’ve been yearning for the chance to stay home when I was studying in University. Thinking that my life would be most relax being at home. Yet!!!! Who says staying at home can be fun and working is TIRING??!!?? Things sometimes can be so fun when we get to rest at home yet sometimes I find that I may be much busier than I was when I was still studying in University. There’s always the pro’s and con’s being at home.

The pro’s may be
1. I get to sleep longer without anyone to disturb you early in the morning.
2. I get to continue lazing around even after we had got out of bed..just like a piggy *oink oink* practically jus do things at our own pace not knowing how fast time flies..*SWT*
3. Surf the net whole day – wakakaka..on MSN pat kua-ing.
4. Go out shopping and watch movies at the cinema. Mind you!! Lately there’s been kinda a number of good shows around this time.Hang out late nights after that – yum cha

The con’s
1. More physical activities may be involve when you’re staying home (eg: cleaning, cooking, washing the clothes and bla bla bla)..which may be very tiring
2. BORING!!! Duh…when most of our friends are working and you cannot find something useful to do
3. Spend more $$$$$
4. Take the role of the driver
5. LEPAKING/BOHSIA habits sets in..hahaha

Anyway..I somehow concluded that it may be more fun being out there working than to stay home. I love my home and my family. I like staying home with them when they are around and not when they are all busy outside too. Hehe..

Today as I was clearing up my drawer, I so happened bumped into one interesting piece of paper which I’d like to share with my readers. It regarding the value of a SMILE. This short poem here brought some interesting thoughts to myself. It made me think how often I actually do SMILE. Wakaka…I look very solemn *I guess* most of my time - rarely SMILE openly to a stranger.I could still remember one good friend of mine told me

“Hey girl, do you know that you look pretty when you smile. Don’t frown as you’d look scary like the TIGER”

At first – it was an “OUCHhh..” to me yet AFTER that I saw it as my “WEAPON” to not SMILE. Wakakaka… *kidding* Here goes the sweet little poem…

The Value of a SMILE

It cost nothing but creates much;
It enriches those who receive;
Without improverishing those who give;
It happens in a flash;
And the memory of it sometimes lasts forever;
None are so rich that they can go along without it;
It creates happiness in the home;
Fosters goodwill in business;
And is the countersign of friends.

It is rest to the weary;
Daylight to the discouraged;
Sunshine to the sad;
And nature’s the best antidote for trouble
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen
For it is something not earthly ,good to anybody;
Until it is given away

And…if we are too tired to give you a smile
May we ask that you leave one of yours
For nobody needs a smile as much as those who have
none left to gift

{Author unknown}