Saturday, November 21, 2009

Worst Date/Day ever..

Another horrible weekend of the month of November...SWT!!

Its once again classroom trainings over the weekend~~...this is so miserable having to attend classroom trainings over the weekend. Imagine its so horrible to drag my tired out body out of bed early in the mornings...feels so much like a zombie moving around during daylight. C'mon man~~ it's weekends and I'm suppose to get a life over my weekend go have fun out in the sun and not be kept around four walls with the stupid big black box. (Big black box = Computer) ..This is so not fair when I come to think about myself being so SO so susceptible to die with cancer sooner or later the longer in a day I sit in front of the computer screen. What makes things worst is I've got to attend this classroom training regardless if I'm sick or not. And having this bad headache which I've suffered for the past few days... ain't gonna give me a good time during my classroom training yet jus HELL!! Thanks to some people I've tried my best to refrain from taking PANADOL....Who cares anyway at the end of the day when you have such a pain in the'd just pop in few panadols to get rid of the pain. Whats the point of suffering all these pain when you can get rid of them by just popping pills??!!??

Anyway..this headache is due to a few causes yet mainly to my Software Programming class which i had to crack my bloody head to try understand the alien programming language which is taught by the lecturer. It's the most gruelling class that I can ever attend in my life. Gosh...I feel like such a noob. Ever felt attending a seminar and at the end of the day...ur result is just zero??? You don't get a damn thing he was talking about the whole day. This is just so frustrating. I'm trying my best to understand and not like I didn't put much effort ..yet unfortunately my brain ain't being programme for such stuffs. LOL!! I pity the lecturer who was trying his best teaching a bunch of engineers to do software design. feels like a duck and chicken communicating.

Oh well...guess I've got no choice but to go through my day suffering from a bad
headache and an alien language class. I tried my best not to bother much about the pain in the ass having to go through this horrible lesson as I was more looking forward for my 2 hours lunch break. This was because I was gonna go for a short date. Truly was looking forward for time to passed by fast the entire morning - got very much anxious for the date as I was expecting some simple surprise just to hang out somewhere new to eat. Besides that, at least I get someone there to cheer the sick me up as I was feeling dizzy and feverish - on the verge of vomitting any time soon.

Lunch time ~~ and my date was up to pick me for lunch yet things went 360degrees which was the least expected out of a date. OMGOshhh...this is one of the most horrible thing that can ever happen to a sick person. FMyLife~~ Made me felt worst than ever and on the verge of vomitting out blood.

How pathetic can it be going for a date and at the same time getting pissed off by the same person?? Sometimes its just so pathetic for guys to date a girl out and not knowing where to go and what to do. my soul oh GOD~~does the girl always be the one to decide where she wish to go and do??? Ain't this so typical of guys. Can't a guy just be spontaneous and just be a guy - plan things out and make smart decision and surprise the girl. SwT~~ is this such a typical thing we are expected to see in a guy??? *DIsaPpointeD* WTF~~its best don't date a girl if you guys can't even decide where to bring a girl for a decent date. It just make the girls feels so not special~~and feels more like the girl is dating the guy and this is so SO pathetic!! This date makes the girl feel so much like having to force the guy to drag his ass out to meet the girl~~!! WTF~~!!

Anyway, its up to you guys to think if I'm reasonable here or not. I'm just expecting a simple date going to a nice cozy place to chill yet it turned out to make me feel more frustrated than ever in my life. Thanks to myself who agreed to go have lunch with this guy.

Having had gone out with him already, I had no choice but to have my lunch. I made my order and just gulp down my food even though I felt so irritated and loss of appetite. Gosshh...this is the most horrible thing that you can force yourself to go through when you have to swallow your meal down your throat. Felt like those bites getting stuck in your lungs and had to forcefully gulp down water ...*coughs*....
while trying my best to ignore the person sitting next to me. Worst still...I felt like vomitting out my meal after eating.

No matter how furious I was at the moment...I managed to swallowed my food without getting choked to death and got myself out from hell. Never wish to blare much to that person. Thanks to him that I on the way back to my training centre I had popped in 2 big Panadols to get rid of my headache or pengsan in his car. Those two panadols didn't help me much anyway as the moment I arrived at the training centre..I vomitted out my lunch and had to popped another 2 more to get rid of my dizziness.

FMyLife at the moment...I felt so screwed up having such a bad day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why LOVE is Blind...

If you ask me why LOVE is blind...I came up with a theory that may support why love is blind.

"Love isn't the person you can see yourself's the person you CAN'T see yourself with "