It has been a while ever since I updated my blog. I have been busy with my working and holiday schedule for the past one week. For the first two days of last week, I was involved in my company's team building event which was held at AWANA GENTING!! YAYHOOOo!!
This event was so so fun~~and i truly meant real fun. Reason is ...believe it or not~~ The entire two days team building event was fully subsidised by my company. YippEE Yay yay oO !!
The company chartered a bus for the event.

Picture below show's the meeting room where our activities will be held.

Upon arrival we were greeted by the organizing staffs and breakfast was served.

Then the day began with our motivator Miss Christine Vaz ho greeted us with the most uproarcious "GOOD MORNING" that practically woke every single soul in the room.

She's such a good motivator. I'm serious!!
Before the team building event began, we were split into group of three with 10 people to each team which they had named by different colours. We had the Orange,Red and Blue teams whereby company A and B were mix nicely and a leader was appointed to lead the team to the finishing line at the end of each event. And from this time onwards...GUESS wHAt?!? We had to be like FLUBBER~~ We pretty much naturally assimilated with our new members and stayed as a team throughout the entire two day team-building. You'd be anxious to see what happens next during the activity session when two stranger company members come together as a team. =)
After a short ice-breaking session and a short recap/lecture on our boot camp; each team was brief regarding the rules and regulation of the activity.Each activity that the team participates would be assessed by how fast the team is able to complete the task within the time limit given. First and foremost, each team has to go search for their team attire around the hotel compound by following and completing each clue given in the envelope by the motivator.Pretty EXCITING for us as a kick-start for the activity session as it was treated as a warm up session for the team to start interacting among the new members. Next, when the first team arrives back at the meeting room first and give their team cheer were then released to the Eco-Sports Park.Guess what!!??!! My team arrived 2nd before the Blue team yet we managed to flag off for the 2nd activity 1st as we managed to come up with our LAMO team cheer which goes like this "ORANGE ORANGE VITAMIN C..HOORAY"!! LOLxX!!
As we arrived at the Eco-Sports centre, we were required to complete for mini activities. Only 12mins were allocated for each activity. The moment i saw the listed activities...HOOraY!! I was so excited because BELIEVE it or NOT~~ this was the first time in my life that I get to play these activities. The activities were :
1. Squash

2. Archery

3. Abseiling

4. Rock Climbing

The activities were run simultaneously for all teams based on first come first serve basis.The best test for all of us was when there was a power failure barely half-way through our activity and all of us had to continue with the activity in the dark. Throughout the activity, you could see how much each team member were willing surpass their personal limits in order to gain points for the team. Truly an amazing feeling -especially when you have to overcome your fear and adrenaline rush to climb 100m up and walk almost 90degrees backwards down from a height in the dark.PERSONALLY, I THINK THAT these activities were interesting as it really
test myself to see if I'm truly afraid of heights an challenges.
After each team completed all four of the activity, we had to get back to the meeting hall and start doing our after action review a.k.a AAR.A short presentation session was done after that by each group to recap the morning session discussion and activity before we were dismissed for lunch.We were given an hour break before the next session starts.

Hehehe...everyone was so excited about lunch as we practically were given three meals at Restaurant Rajawali. Not forgetting that each meal that we were served to us was buffet style...uUUMMMpppphhhh..YYuuMMMyy~~ **stomach growls**
At 2.30 pm, everyone were gathered back at the meeting room and the next session which was the outdoor treasure hunt time was kick-started with the first clue which turned out to be a short puzzle given to each team. was just after lunch and u know whatler..the next thing we knew was we had to get our minds activated after lunch..haha..honestly..the moment we got the puzzle it looked pretty simple yet tricky and took us a while to solve it. The moment my team managed to solve it we got to head out to search for the next clue to our treasure hunt which brought us to the landmine field.Here the leader has to safely guide the team members across the landmine without having to sacrifice any **innocent soul** *winks* Thank goodness the weather was good as it was rather cloudy and brezzy.We spent approximately half an hour to get across this landmine field before we headed out with the next clue.
The next clue required us to search for two treasure box which was located at a longhouse hidden somewhere at the park.Best part of this particular activity was that the activity made everyone ran at least 1.2km uphill like mad dogs dashing u the hillslope to reach the destination 1st but half-way through it..all teams were left guessing which way to take when it came to a t-junction.. Haha..this was the most interesting part whereby all 3 teams were practically lost and had to rely on each other to get to the long-house. At the longhouse it started to drizzle and not
for long it began to rain heavily. Here, we had to search for the hidden box based on the clues given. The moment the boxes were retrieved, we had to run back to the landmine field and attempt the next activity which was the "CROCODILE PITT".
Crocodile Pitt was one hell of an activity where we had to play under the rain and in the icy cold water. We had to get across the river on a thin plank without falling into the water. Truly one hell of a good team building exeperience. "ME SO LOVING this AMAZING EXPERIENCE". Each and everyone of us were lined up on that long and short tiny plank barely one foot thickness in order to get across to our finale destination. As my team was the 1st team to begin with the activity, we had to find ways and means to allign the plank on the concrete pile steadily before stepping over them.This means that one mistake would bring the entire team down into the icy cold water. *AIKSS*~~ Every team successfully made across the river at the end of the day with my team having one casualty *bleks*

At the end of the 1st day we had broke the "DOMINO RACE's BOOK of RECORDS " as
1) First time my motivators had to conduct the activities in the dark due to power failure.
2) Never in "DOMINO RACE" had it rained and this is the first time also that our outdoor activities was conducted in the rain.
3) All the particiants were heros as we managed to strive through the darkness and downpour with high spirit.
(ps: Stay Tuned as more pictures will be uploaded in the next blog~~)