It's been a while ever since my long long lost badminton buddy cum best friend cum "virtual husband and wife in the previous century ...errr...A zillion years ago" that we have got the time to meet up and hang out over the weekends...hehe...wokies, not his fault -----maybe I should put it this way as in more like I've been very busy and it was difficult to re-schedule my plans. And this means that my that my poor buddy have been waiting for this opportunity to sit down and catch up.* shy* *shy*~~
More so that this time around it was him who randomly invited me over the MSN
"Since you're free, come lets go yum char..I feel like having cake "
I was pretty much reluctant at first because I was pretty much exhausted after standing for hours in the cleanroom for the past three days that I could barely move my limbs more so my ass from the chair. *bleks*
Having such a good friend who wanted to meet up for a drink, he spontaneously offered to come pick me and take me to a place to have cake which he insisted to let me know where it was when we were there. Hahaha..and guess what??!!?? It's been a while ever since I've been on my food hunt I jumped to this opportunity to having to go out ..more's so difficult to make my dear friend a driver since he doesn't like driving around. Practically it was also my 1st time having him as my chaffeur (^.^)
The moment I got into the car,curious to find out where he's dating me out to I asked him once again where we heading for our cake. First thing that blurted out from his mouth is
"I'm going to bring you to eat cake at a place..a place that would "cake si" you one..hahaha..You'll see when you get there" (*sounding pretty evil*)
It took us not long to get there from my place and the moment I arrive at the area, I was pretty much surprised that they have such an averagely good cafe open at the Seksyen17 flat area. It's pretty much located inside the flat compound and I doubt many people would be able to see or know where this nice cafe is. Hahaha..Anyway if any of you wants to know where this place is..tee hee hee ..come find me to go have a nice piece of cake and I shall bring you there (^.^)
Perfect setting and hang out area which makes it look like "Fullhouse" yet it isn't *winks*
Hhhmmpphh... trust me that it's additive the moment you take your first bite (^.^)

So any takers for a slice of cake at anytime soon with me? (^.^)
darling, the cake looks great~~~ mind to share??? *wink*
My pleasure to share the cake with my darling anytime. =)
We shall plan one day go eat cake oO..
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